Monday, June 8, 2020

Doctrines of Islam 14 (Imamate & Caliphate - Leadership)


Say," Obey God and the Apostle." But if they turn away, indeed Allah does not like the faithless. 3:32

O you who have faith! Obey God and obey the Apostle and those vested with authority among you. And if you dispute concerning anything, refer it to God and the Apostle, if you have faith in God and the Last Day. That is better and more favourable in outcome. 4:59

Your guardian is only God, His Apostle, and the faithful who maintain the prayer and give the charity while bowing down. 5;55

O Apostle! Communicate that which has been sent down to you from your Lord, and if you do not, you will not have communicated His message, and God shall protect you from the people. Indeed God does not guide the faithless lot. 5:67

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Doctrines of Islam 13 (Divine Justice and the Problem of Evil)


We will surely test you with somewhat of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth, lives, and fruits; and give good news to the patient, those who, when an affliction visits them, say, "Indeed we belong to God, and to Him do we indeed return." 2:155-156

Indeed God does not wrong anyone even to the extent of an atom's weight, and if it be a good deed He doubles its reward, and gives from Himself a great reward. 4:40

So whoever does an atom's weight of good will see it, and whoever does an atom's weight of evil will see it. 99:7-8

He, who created death and life that He may test you to see which of you is best in conduct. And He is the All-mighty, the All-forgiving. 67:2

It is He who has made you successors on the earth, and raised some of you in rank above others so that He may test you in respect to what He has given you. 6:165

We dispersed them into communities around the earth: some of them were righteous, and some of them otherwise, and We tested them with good and bad times so that they may come back. 7:168

Indeed We have made whatever is on the earth an adornment for it that We may test them [to see] which of them is best in conduct. 18:7

Every soul shall taste death, and We will test you with good and ill by way of test. 21:35

There are indeed signs in this; and indeed We have been testing. 23:30

Indeed We created man from the drop of a mixed fluid so that We may test him. So We made him endowed with hearing and sight. 76:2

Webpage Links

God and Evil 

Attribution of Evil to God?

Divine Benevolence & the Existence of Evil in the Universe

Book Excerpts

Justice of God by S. Rizvi

Divine Justice Shelf in

Doctrines of Islam 11 (Particular Prophethood - Prophet Muhammad)

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Sunday, June 7, 2020

Doctrines of Islam 12 (Eschatology)



God takes the souls at the time of their death, and those who have not died in their sleep. Then He retains those for whom He has ordained death and releases the others until a specified time. There are indeed signs in that for a people who reflect. (39:42)

No soul may die except by God's leave, at an appointed time. 3:145

Every soul shall taste death, and you will indeed be paid your full rewards on the Day of Resurrection. Whoever is delivered from the Fire and admitted to paradise has certainly succeeded. The life of this world is nothing but the wares of delusion. 3:185

Wherever you may be, death shall overtake you, even if you were in fortified towers. 4:78

When death approaches anyone of you, Our messengers take him away and they do not neglect their duty. 6:61

Then the agony of death brings the truth: "This is what you used to shun!" 50:19

We have ordained death among you, and We are not to be outmaneuvered. 56:60

Say, "Indeed the death that you flee will indeed encounter you. Then you will be returned to the Knower of the sensible and the Unseen, and He will inform you about what you used to do." 62:8

Spend from what We have provided you before death comes to any of you, whereat he will say, "My Lord, why did You not respite me for a short time so that I might have given charity and become one of the righteous!" But God shall never respite a soul when its time has come, and God is well aware of what you do. 63:10-11

Were you to see when the wrongdoers are in the throes of death, and the angels extend their hands saying: "Give up your souls! Today you shall be requited with a humiliating punishment because of what you used to attribute to God untruly, and for your being disdainful towards His signs." 6:93

Every soul shall taste death. Then you shall be brought back to Us. 29:57

Say, "You will be taken away by the angel of death, who has been charged with you. Then you will be brought back to your Lord." 32:11

No soul knows what it will earn tomorrow, and no soul knows in what land it will die. Indeed God is all-knowing, all-aware. 31:34


When death comes to one of them, he says, "My Lord! Take me back, that I may act righteously in what I have left behind." By no means! These are mere words that he says. And ahead of them is a barrier (Barzakh) until the day they will be resurrected. 23:99-100

And do not call those who were slain in God's way "dead." Rather they are living, but you are not aware. 2:154

Do not suppose those who were slain in the way of God to be dead; rather they are living and provided for near their Lord, exulting in what God has given them out of His grace, and rejoicing for those who have not yet joined them from those left behind them that they will have no fear, nor will they grieve. 3:169-170

End of Times 

Certainly We wrote in the Psalms, after the Torah: "Indeed My righteous servants shall inherit the earth." 21:105

Day of Judgment

The day We shall roll up the sky, like the rolling of the scrolls for writings. We will bring it back as We began the first creation a promise binding on Us. That indeed We will do. 21:104

Do not suppose that God is oblivious to what the wrongdoers are doing. He is only granting them respite until the day when the eyes will be glazed, Scrambling with their heads upturned, there will be a fixed gaze in their eyes and their hearts will be vacant. Warn the people of the day when the punishment will overtake them, whereat the wrongdoers will say, "Our Lord! Respite us for a brief while so that we may respond to Your call, and follow the apostles." They will be told, " Did you not use to swear earlier that there would be no reverse for you." 14:42-44

So do not suppose that Allah will break His promise to His apostles. Indeed Allah is all-mighty, avenger. The day the earth is transformed into another earth and the heavens] as well [, and they are presented before Allah, the One, the All-paramount. On that day you will see the guilty bound together in chains, 14:47-49

Say, "It is God who gives you life, then He makes you die. Then He will gather you on the Day of Resurrection, in which there is no doubt. But most people do not know." 45:26

It is God who created you and then He provided for you, then He makes you die, then He will bring you to life. 30:40

So observe the effects of God's mercy: how He revives the earth after its death! Indeed He is the reviver of the dead, and He has power over all things. 30:50

It is He who gives life and brings death. So when He decides on a matter, He just says to it," Be!" and it is. 40:68

And when the Trumpet is blown, behold, there they will be, scrambling from their graves towards their Lord! 36:51

The day when the Caller calls to a dire thing, with a humbled look in their eyes, they will emerge from the graves as if they were scattered locusts. scrambling toward the summoner. The faithless will say, "This is a hard day!" 54:6-8

And if indeed you die or you are slain, certainly to God shall you be gathered together. 3:158

The day We shall set the mountains moving and you will see the earth in full view, We shall muster them, and We will not leave out anyone of them. 18:47

Among His signs is that you see the earth desolate; but when We send down water upon it, it stirs and swells. Indeed He who revives it is the reviver of the dead. Indeed He has power over all things. 41:39

When the sun is wound up, when the stars scatter, when the mountains are set moving, when the pregnant camels are neglected, when the wild beasts are mustered, when the seas are set afire, when the souls are assorted, when the girl buried-alive will be asked: for what sin she was killed. When the scrolls of the scriptures are unrolled, when the sky is stripped off, when hell is set ablaze, when paradise is brought near, then a soul shall know what it has readied for itself. 81:1-14

the day the Trumpet will be blown on that day We shall resurrect the guilty with blind eyes. They will whisper to one another: "You have stayed only for ten days." We know best what they will say, when the best of them in conduct will say, "You stayed only a day!" They question you concerning the mountains. Say, "My Lord will scatter them like dust." Then He will leave it a level plain. You will not see any crookedness or unevenness in it. On that day they will follow a summoner in whom there will be no deviousness. The voices will be muted before the All-beneficent, and you will hear nothing but a murmur. Intercession will not avail that day except from him whom the All-beneficent allows and approves of his word. He knows that which is before them and that which is behind them, but they cannot comprehend Him in their knowledge.  All faces shall be humbled before the Living One, the All-sustainer, and he will fail who bears the onus of wrongdoing. But whoever does righteous deeds, should he be faithful, shall neither fear any wrong nor detraction. 20:102-12

Webpage links

Day of Judgment (wikishia)

Barzakh (Wikishia)

Life in Barzakh (wikishia)
Book Excerpts 

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Doctrines of Islam 10 (General Prophethood)


We have indeed revealed to you as We revealed to Noah and the prophets after him, and as We revealed to Abraham and Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, Jesus and Job, Jonah, Aaron, and Solomon, and We gave David the Psalms. 4:163

Say, "We have faith in God, and that which has been sent down to us, and that which was sent down to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and the Tribes, and that which Moses and Jesus were given, and that which the prophets were given from their Lord; we make no distinction between any of them, and to Him do we submit." 2:136

Say, "We have faith in God, and in what has been sent down to us, and what was sent down to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and the Tribes, and that which Moses and Jesus were given, and the prophets, from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and to Him do we submit." 3:84

We sent down the Torah containing guidance and light. The prophets, who had submitted, judged by it for the Jews, and so did the rabbis and the scribes, as they were charged to preserve the Book of Allah and were witnesses to it. So do not fear the people, but fear Me, and do not sell My signs for a paltry gain. Those who do not judge by what Allah has sent down it is they who are the faithless. 5:44

Your Lord knows best whoever is in the heavens and the earth. Certainly We gave some prophets an advantage over others, and We gave David the Psalms. 17:55

Recall when We took a pledge from the prophets, and from you and from Noah and Abraham and Moses and Jesus son of Mary, and We took from them a solemn pledge. 33:7

Certainly We sent Our apostles with manifest proofs, and We sent down with them the Book and the Balance, so that mankind may maintain justice; and We sent down iron, in which there is great might and uses for mankind, and so that God may know those who help Him and His apostles in their absence. Indeed Allah is all-strong, all-mighty. 57:25

Then We sent Our apostles successively. Whenever there came to a nation its apostle, they impugned him, so We made them follow one another] to extinction [and We turned them into folktales. So away with the faithless lot! 23:44

Indeed We shall help Our apostles and those who have faith in the life of the world and on the day when the witnesses rise up 40:51

Mankind were a single community; then God sent the prophets as bearers of good news and as warners, and He sent down with them the Book with the truth, that it may judge between the people concerning that about which they differed, and none differed in it except those who had been given it, after the manifest proofs had come to them, out of envy among themselves. Then God guided those who had faith to the truth of what they differed in, by His will, and God guides whomever He wishes to a straight path. 2:213

Whoever obeys Allah and the Apostle they are with those whom Allah has blessed, including the prophets and the truthful, the martyrs and the righteous, and excellent companions are they! 4:69

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